Fat Burning Exercises at Home
Fat Burning Exercises at Home
Fat Burning Exercises at Home For Males
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1. Inverted V Pipe Exercise
This exercise is one of the best simple home exercises for weight loss, especially to strengthen your core. You may have also heard this pose called “downward dog” in yoga. Give your abs a good workout by holding this pose for at least 30 seconds. Push your heels into the mat behind you, spread your fingertips and push your hands against the mat. Try to get your heels to touch the ground — it’s OK if they can’t, they will in time!

2. Superman
This pose is one of my favorites! It’s one of the best exercises you can do for your middle and lower back, as well as your glutes. Simply lay face down on the mat with your hands above your head, palms down like shown in the lower image above. Once you’re ready, lift your legs and arms and squeeze your glutes as tight as you can. Try to hold it for at least 30 seconds — this may be hard at first, and you may have to work your way up, but you’ll get there in no time!

3. Jump Squats
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It’s no secret that squats are the key to a nice butt. Why not put a spin on things by adding a jump for even more exercise and cardio? Just be careful, because improper squat posture can cause some lower back issues. When performing a squat, start with your feet slightly farther than shoulder width apart. Bend down, curving your back like the woman above. Don’t go down any farther than she is, either — you want your thighs to be parallel with the floor. As you’re coming up, add the jump. Land on the balls of your feet. Viola!
4. Push Ups with Knee Kick
Make sure you’re exercising your arms — not just your abs and lower body! Adding some push-ups to your routine is a great, quick way to get a workout. But that’s not to say you can’t add some ab exercise as well! Perform a normal push-up by placing your hands shoulder-width apart; then, as you’re coming up, bring your knee up to your chest.

5. Jump Rope
You get to be a kid again! Jumping rope is a quick way to get your heart beating and your blood flowing. It takes almost no time to do! Just keep your jump rope somewhere you’ll easily be able to get it, and also somewhere that’s easy to spot so you remember to take a minute to do it every morning.

6. Glute Bridge
The glute bridge is a different way to work your glutes. Just lay on your back, raise your butt up with your feet while using your arms as support, then lift one knee up towards your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. If you do this exercise every day, you’ll be losing weight and looking good before you know it!
There are 6 simple home exercises for weight loss. Feel free to mix and match them as you see fit! Add this quick 5 minute routine into your day in the middle, after lunch, or at night. Feeling really adventurous? Do it two or three times a day! Exercise doesn’t have to take forever, just 5 minutes can get you the change you’ve been searching for. It’s all about creating habits — and it’s easy to do that when the habits are easy!
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