Benefits of Aerobic Exercise for Weight Loss
Benefits of Aerobic Exercise for Weight Loss
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Aerobic exercises include various sports such as martial arts (which also combines anaerobic exercises), running, walking, cycling, swimming, skiing and of course indoor exercises.
The body needs a certain amount of energy to maintain some basic functions such as breathing, blood circulation and for the normal functioning of the different body organs. The energy needed to maintain these functions is known as BMR or basic metabolic rate. Any activity in addition to those basic functions requires additional energy, which is taken by the glycogen (carbohydrates) and deposits of fat in the blood, liver and muscles.
The 20 benefits of aerobic exercise
- The benefits of aerobic exercise to protect the heart are very well known. But exercise is not only beneficial for the heart and muscles. Other benefits of exercise includes:
- Better cardiac function: The heart gets more blood per beat. That means that the heart rate is reduced in times of relaxation and during the exercise.
- Weight loss: During exercise the body burns fat and as a result the total body fat is reduced.
- Improving mental health: Regular exercise releases the endorphins, the natural painkillers of the body, which among other things reduces stress, anxiety and depression.
- Helps the immune system: Numerous studies have shown that people who exercise regularly are less prone to mild viral infections such as colds or flu.
- Reducing diseases: The extra weight is an aggravating factor in the emergence of: heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer. The risk to develop some of these diseases decreases as we lose weight. There is data showing that walking can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and the complications involved. While exercises such as swimming and water aerobics may help people with arthritis.
- Increases longevity: Research by the University of Harvard, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1986, revealed that for the first time there was a scientific link between exercise and longevity. Since then, other research confirms this initial assessment.
- Increases body resistance: Maybe during or immediately after exercise you feel tired, but in the long-term exercise increases the strength and the sense of well-being keeping fatigue away.
- Improves muscle health: Exercise encourages the development of microscopic blood vessels that provide sufficient quantities of oxygen in the muscles and keep away from the muscles metabolic wastes such as lactic acid. This process can reduce the discomfort felt by those suffering from chronic muscle pain and back pain.
- Increases the maximum consumption of oxygen by the body
- Improves cardiovascular and cardiovascular function
- Increasing the supply of blood to muscles and the ability to make better use of oxygen
- Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
- Lowers the accumulation of lactic acid which causes pain and muscle burning
- Lowest systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension (high pressure)
- Increasing levels of good HDL cholesterol in the blood
- Reduces high blood triglycerides
- Improvement of glucose metabolism reduces insulin resistance and therefore lowers the risk of diabetes or regulates better the disease if it has already occurred.
- Reduces psychological stress, improves mood with more vitality, reduces risk of depression or anxiety
- Greater resistance to fatigue
- Helps us to sleep better
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