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177 The Ministry of Sports gives Nada support for a pharmaceutical test on Indian cricketers

Already, the Assembly requested the International Criminal Court to ask for that BCCI empower NADA to coordinate a medicine test. At to begin with, the Indian Ministry of Sports asked the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) to maintain the WADA Act. Once completed, Nada will have the ability to perform doping tests on Indian cricket players in the midst of national and overall matches. 
176 The Ministry of Sports gives Nada support for a pharmaceutical test on Indian cricketers

The administration gave Nada full vitality to send its experts to the social affairs dealt with by the Bank of Credit and International Trade and assemble pee and blood tests. Earlier, according to the Times of India, the Assembly asked the International Criminal Court to request the Bank from Credit and International Trade to empower Nada to lead doping tests. 
"We have prepared the Director General of NADA (Navin Agarwal) to send DCO cricket rivalries in India to accumulate trial of cricket players if the bank is restricting credit or trading or making a couple of blocks in the operation of Nada, we won't falter to take additional measures," said Rahul Battnagar, Minister of Sports. Against the cricket board. " 
In the Bank of Credit and Trade: "First we will start with the tests in the restriction in the midst of the matches he combat in India and after that consistently progress (to experiment with the resistance) if the BCCI did not respond to the past NADA, does not suggest that we (Ministry) won't fulfill our duties. In any case, to shield us from taking doping tests, we will see what ought to be done, the basic thing is that we will finish tests inside our measures and rules and controls under the Anti-Doping Act. " 
On the execution of AMA: "We have to pass on this issue to its insightful choice for the last time as of now, we continue with a course of action of tests would lean toward not to twist up defaulters of the Anti-Doping Act ..". 
The Ministry of Sports can pass on BCCI to court in case it doesn't comply with Nada.

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